The walls of our house are a very neutral pale sand/mushroom/chai latte kind of colour, and when they are empty they look EMPTY.
So I made something to put on one of them :-)
Based on this (pinned, of course) tutorial, they're 20x20cm canvases with photographic prints modpodged on. My kids pics didn't really work with the high-contrast treatment in the tutorial though. I chose a green ribbon because since we have those neutral walls (more like the pic below than the photo above) + a heap of timber + charcoaly black furnishings, we decided to use bright blues & greens to brighten the place up a bit, inspired by this palette from Design Seeds!

Lexi was doing her best to be almost ludicrously adorable & endearing in her photo, her little hands clasped together under her chin ever-so-sweetly, until I cropped them off the picture!!
cuute! :)
Very sweet photos :) Can I ask what you mean about the pics not really working with the high-contrast treatment?
thanks! :D
anne, when i tried cranking the contrast up when i was editing the pics they just ended up looking all blotchy, i don't think their hair is dark enough compared to their skin to make it look good... i didn't want it to look like i had hit them maniacally with a big photoshop stick ;)
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