Sunday, September 28, 2008

more sowing

just for my records.. and in case i don't finish updating my folia page.. today i have sown-

Sunflower - Giant Russian
Pea - Dalmation
Bean - Yellow Pole
Corn - Silver Platinum
Corn - Mini Black Popping
Corn - Rainbow Inca
Pumpkin - NZ Heirloom Butternut
Quinoa - Temuca
Cucumber - Lebanese
Cucumber - Green Apple
Bean - America
Bean - Borlotto Fire Tongue
Bean - Roquefort
Coriander - Indian Summer
Spinach Beet
Tomato - Oxheart
Tomato - Reisenstraube Red & Yellow
Parsley - Italian Plain Leaf
Kale - Lacinato
Kale - Borecole
Spinach - Bloomsdale

and hopefully this evening or tomorrow (new moon ya see..)
Pepper - Purple Beauty
Pepper - Jimmy Nardello
Basil - Fino Verde
Oregano - True Greek
Tomato - Yellow Pear
Tomato - Brandywine Pink
Tomato - Brown Cherry
Tomato - San Marzano
Lettuce - Half Century
Lettuce - Odell's
Lettuce - Little Gem
Lettuce - Dark Lollo Rossa

i *really* hope i have enough room for all of those, cos i only have one tray left!

*edited - done!*

now for anyone who persevered through all of that.. a giveaway!
i have a spare packet of each of...
Koanga Institute's Reisenstraube Red & Yellow cherry tomato
Koanga Garden's Green Apple cucumber
they are both NZ heirloom varieties, the seeds are grown right here in nz, and the tomato seed is certified organic!

so if you would like one (or either) leave a comment saying which one (or both) you would like, and i'l get my little girl to pick winners!

don't be shy ;-)


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, love a giveaway! We've been working hard sowing seeds too. I would love either, as I don't have either of these, but not both, because it;s better to share to love around :-)

sweetp said...

cherry tomatoes :D

Anonymous said...

Ohh, I'd love the cherry tomato if it's still available :D

DD eats them like lollies ;)

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh apple cucmbers drooooooooooooolllllll!

Megan Rose said...

Ooo, I'm going to be cheeky and ask for both!

thegoodwitch said...

Thank you for chiming in on my post! It's always lovely to meet another wacky NZer :-)
I'm so jealous of your plantings. I had to leave my garden knowing that I would return home to an empty space and no fresh veggies this year :-(
Happy planting!

Gill said...

I wonder if it's too late to be in. The red ones please.