Monday, March 31, 2008

my autumn garden!

Ok, so i've largely abandoned the front garden... *blush*
we're still getting some tomatoes, and the occasional cucumber.. the (one) silverbeet is doing great, and paul & the two kids shared a single borlotti bean last night! And hopefully we'll have some late potatoes to dig up soon too..
but basically i'm planning to just sow it all with various soil improving crops, or ones for compost collection - stuff like lupins, vetch, mustard, buckwheat etc etc - and maybe some flowers for attracting beneficial insects... but mostly we'll just be burying our bokashi in there & trying to gradually improve the soil quality :-)
i have dreams that one day it'll become my 'orchard' lol!

But for this winter i am foccusing all my efforts into this-
which contains 2 cabbages, 2 caulis, 2 broccolis & 8 lettuces!

i had planted the lettuces in the front garden, but evicted them again because they were just dying (picture a little scrap of overcooked spinach :-( ) and popped them in the new bed, and their recovery has been amazing! they've gone from being a single dried up leaf to having 6-8 leaves in just a couple of days! :-D

and that will be all until i plant some garlic & shallots sometime between may & july! and the space for those is currently inhabited by these odd creatures-
freshly hatched lupins!
these ones (and the many others not in the pic) are destined only to reach the green manure stage before they need to vacate the premises, but quite a lot of the rest of the garden will be growing more to seed stage as a carbon crop for the compost :-D

It's really tempting to sneak in a few more things - a few peas here, some spinach there - but i am trying hard to resist, and concentrate on getting the soil into great condition first.. and also not over-commit myself! like 'they' always say it's better to do a small garden well than a big garden badly! so i'm aiming to do a tiny garden excellently ;-)

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